Guthrie Govan String Bending Masterclass – Part Five

Guitarist recently posted the “final installment of the bending odyssey” with Charvel signature artist Guthrie Govan.

“I figured it would be fun to end by adding a somewhat unfashionable technique to our bending repertoire,” said Govan. “‘What would happen,’ we must ask ourselves, ‘if we combine all of our string bending chops with a little bit of tapping. This is sometimes considered to be the province solely of the heavy metal shred monster but the way I see it, tapping is just another way to play notes that this hand (fretting hand) can’t reach on its own. So I’ve never been a fan of that whole stigma that gets attached to it. Tapping is just another way to make sounds and you can use it for all sorts of crazy purposes as hopefully we’re about to find out.”

Watch the lesson below to explore some of Govan’s interesting ideas.